Men'S Multivitamins

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While claims 492 Ratings, we counted 51 đánh giá available on their site. Note: We only analyze "reviews" & ignore one-tap "ratings".

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Verified PurchaserReviewer: Alice Cullen Take-Back Reviewer (2 deleted Reviews; avg. Rating: 5.0) Easy Grader (avg. Rating: 4.5)
Verified PurchaserReviewer: Phillycheese Take-Back Reviewer (1 deleted Review; avg. Rating: 5.0) Easy Grader (avg. Rating: 4.4)
Verified PurchaserReviewer: Amazonlover2k Take-Back Reviewer (3 deleted Reviews; avg. Rating: 3.3) Overlapping review History: reviewed 2 of 9 vị trí cao nhất products Critical Reviewer (avg. Rating: 3.4)
Verified PurchaserReviewer: Poopypants Take-Back Reviewer (2 deleted Reviews; avg. Rating: 5.0) Critical Reviewer (avg. Rating: 3.8)
Verified PurchaserReviewer: Brenda Take-Back Reviewer (5 deleted Reviews; avg. Rating: 4.2) Easy Grader (avg. Rating: 4.4)
Verified PurchaserReviewer: Amazon Customer Single-Day Reviewer (posted all reviews on Apr 5, 2016) Critical Reviewer (avg. Rating: 4.0)
Verified Purchaser Overrepresented word count (10 words)Reviewer: Coyote Take-Back Reviewer (2 deleted Reviews; avg. Rating: 4.0) Overlapping đánh giá History: reviewed 1 of 9 top products Critical Reviewer (avg. Rating: 4.0)
Verified Purchaser Overrepresented word count (7 words)Reviewer: Terry Mills Take-Back Reviewer (1 deleted Review; avg. Rating: 2.0) Brand Repeater (2 of 37 review for this brand; avg rating: 5.0) Easy Grader (avg. Rating: 4.8)
Unverified Purchaser Overrepresented word count (11 words)Reviewer: Aura Castellese Take-Back Reviewer (1 deleted Review; avg. Rating: 5.0) Brand Repeater (4 of 70 đánh giá for this brand; avg rating: 5.0) Critical Reviewer (avg. Rating: 4.3)